About Us

Atmos 540 Movement on Holder

38 Years of Care for Timepieces &
Their Repair

David Olekna, owner of The Pendulum LLC,  began performing simple clock and watch repairs at home in the late 1970s. (His British step-grandfather had died and his parents inherited a black slate wedding presentation clock and two pocket watches.) David went to several stores trying to get the timepieces repaired, but had little success. Determined to restore his family timepieces to working order, David collected books and articles on clock and watch repair and eventually repaired the timepieces himself and, in the process, becoming more passionate about the history and intricacies of timepiece mechanics.

David joined the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC) in August 1977 and the American Watchmakers-Clockmakers Institute (AWCCI) after that. Around that time he met a self-taught watch and clock repair person, Dennis Martello, who became a valuable mentor and tutor and eventually a very close friend.

David began doing house calls and clock setups for Tropiano & Son Jewelers in Raritan, New Jersey in 1984.

David’s passion for timepieces allowed him to open The Pendulum, LLC in 1994. For 38 years he’s been appraising, repairing, cleaning, and selling all varieties of timepieces. He also specializes in appraisal, care, and repair for floor, antique and Atmos clocks.


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